Yesha Lundberg, PhD
Director, Vestibular Neurogenetics Laboratory, Boys Town National Research Hospital, Yesha.Lundberg {at} boystown.org
- Email: ylundberg@gmail.com
Retired from Boys Town
Postdoctoral fellow

Inna Hughes, MD, PhD
Associate Professor, Neurology, Pediatrics, University of Rochester
Graduate student, MSTP

Sung-Ho Huh, PhD
Assistant Professor Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, The University of Mississippi Medical Center
- Phone: (601) 984-5162
- Email: shuh@umc.edu
Graduate student, Postdoctoral fellow

Euysoo Kim, PhD
Postdoc Research Associate Department of Anesthesiology, University of Washington kimesoo {at} uw.edu
Graduate student

Chad A Perlyn, MD,PhD
Chief of the Division of Plastic Surgery; Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, Florida International University College of Medicine
- Email: cperlyn@fiu.edu
Postdoctoral fellow

Andrew White, PhD
Associate Professor Department of Biomedical Sciences, Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
- Email: acw93@cornell.edu
Graduate student

Sarah N Cilvik, MD,PhD
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics – Neonatology, Wake Forest School of Medicine
- Email: scilvik@wakehealth.edu
Graduate student, MSTP

Mónica Vega Hernández, PhD
Public Health Analyst, ALAKA’INA FOUNDATION
- Email: mvegaher@gmail.com
Graduate student

Kory J Lavine, MD,PhD
Associate Professor of Medicine-Cardiology, Washington University School of Medicine
- Email: klavine@wustl.edu
Graduate student, MSTP

Jinbai Miao, MD
Cardiology, China Capital Medical University, Beijing miaojinbai {at} 163.com
Visiting scientist

Sunday S Oladipupo, PhD
Senior Director/Group Leader, Lilly Corporate Center, Indianapolis IN
- Email: oladipupo_sunday_s@lilly.com

Kannan Karuppaiah, PhD
Staff scientist, University of Pennsylvania, kannank02@yahoo.com
Staff scientist